Würth general cleaning spray 500 ml Würth general cleaning spray, which was started to be produced for cars and engines, was discovered and became widespread by the cycling community. You can provide quick cleaning by spraying your aerosol spray on your chain, lug and crankset, which provides quick and precise cleaning without getting your hands dirty in oil or gasoline. The cleaning process is completed by wiping the dirt dissolved by the spray with a dry cloth. Features: It cleans disc and drum brakes, clutch parts, and the surfaces to be bonded and sealed from pad dust, oil, grease and dirt. Material compatibility is high. How to use: After spraying the cleaner on the surface, wipe it with a clean cloth. For difficult dirt, repeat the process if necessary. Attention: Before applying, test whether it is suitable for rubber and plastic parts. This information is only our recommendations based on experience. You need to experiment before applying. Use bicycle and chain lubrication products after cleaning.